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Thursday, December 13, 2012


The writer of one of the blogs I enjoy, Katy at No Big Dill, suggested that everyone get in the spirit of the day by documenting what they did at 12 minutes after the hour all day long.  I took up the challenge.  I did my best to not "cheat" and make my day look more interesting or productive than it truly was.  So, without further explanation, here is my celebration of 12/12/12.

6:12 am
Getting ready to greet the day.
(In all honesty, I usually wake up at 6:30 every day without an alarm.)

7:12 am
Seminary "bus"
I pick up 8-9 youth each morning and drive them from the church to the high school.
Anastaya took the photo.

8:12 am
Getting Miriam her breakfast.
She's not a morning person and is never hungry.  If she is willing to eat chicken nuggets with honey for breakfast, she gets chicken nuggets with honey for breakfast!

9:12 am
Mopping the kitchen floor.
The cats think this is one of the most exciting parts of the week.
I've given up on caring about kitten footprints on my wet floor.  When they see the mop and buckets come out, they get ready to attack.

10:12 am
I only allow myself to watch television shows while exercising.
This morning I watched Parenthood on Hulu.
It takes true talent to exercise while sobbing.

11:12 am
checking email
I was waiting for the order guide so I could do my produce order and it finally arrived!

12:12 pm
Lunch with Dode
I made sure to give him a kiss at 12:12 exactly but didn't get the photo evidence.
I had the mushroom burger with a veggie patty.  I know the 10:12 exercise session did not cancel out the 12:12 meal!

1:12 pm
Driving home from lunch.
Elizabeth was finished with school at 12:45 and had walked over to the library.  
I was on my way to get her.

2:12 pm
Packaging up ground beef.
We got ground beef from Zaycon and it needed divided down into meal sized portions.
Now that I don't eat meat anymore, I find the entire handling and smelling of meat truly gross.

3:12 pm
Working on the fire.
I got back from Elizabeth's piano lessons to learn that the boys had let the fire go out.

4:12 pm
Working on the produce order

5:12 pm
Making Dinner
I was not at all hungry after my big lunch but I'd already skipped making dinner once this week and felt bad to do it again.  So, like every night, I made two dinners.  Buddha bowls (rice, beans, veggies, sauce) for the vegans and teriyaki chicken for the meat eaters.

6:12 pm
Cleaning up dinner

7:12 pm
Gingerbread house building

8:12 pm
spending a few minutes reading
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future, by Michael J. Fox

9:12 pm
When Dode and I head up to bed each evening, we are always accompanied by a little Miriam who jumps on the bed, then gets in a quick cuddle before being sent away under duress.

10:12 pm
Time to sleep
Bedtime is the only reliable time Dode and I can talk without a child interrupting so we typically stay up talking as long as we can until someone (lately me) begs for sleep.

Plus, a bonus fuzzy photo...
After family prayer, everyone gets a hug.  I held on for 12 seconds tonight.  Isaac noticed the extra long hug and caught on.  Then, they wanted a 12 second group hug.

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