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Monday, September 3, 2012

Birch Bay Water slides 2012

On Tuesday the 28th, we were able to go to Birch Bay Water slides with friends from our old ward (church congregation).  By going with the ward, we were able to take advantage of group rates and our tickets were only $10.80 each as opposed to the regular price of $18.  Another benefit of going with the ward was built in friends for my children.

We've never been to Birch Bay on a hot sunny day and this time was no exception.  The overcast weather in the mid 60's keeps away the crowds but it also makes it tough to have fun.  This year I was proactive and brought along our shortie wetsuits we use for kneeboarding.  Miriam and William were too little for the wetsuits to keep them as warm as they could but they kept the wind off them.

The water slides are open in this photo.
Not much of a crowd!

They can't guarantee sun in Western Washington so they have to promise fun!

When we got to the water park, they counted off our group in order to figure out how many tickets we needed.  33 youth and 10 adults.  The funny thing is that I brought 5 of the 33 youth!  Of the 10 adults, only three of us were brave (or foolish) enough to hit the water and I'm the only one who lasted all day.  Miriam loved going down the slides with me.  She'd run up the hill each time while I plodded along behind her.  We worked out a way of doing it where she'd hit a small water slide while I walked up.  Then, she'd run up and meet me at the top in order to go down with me.

Once she got used to the slides, she started being her daredevil self.  She loved us starting out on the slide with her sitting between my legs.  Then, she'd push off from my legs so she'd be riding in and out in front of me.  I'd go faster so I'd catch up and grab her, then she'd push off again and we'd repeat the cycle until the bottom of the slide.  It was great fun for her and she'd be laughing the whole way down.  It wasn't as much fun for mom.  I was always worried I'd bash into her with my legs or catch her with a toenail when my feet went by.  It took a bit of skill to keep her safe each time I caught up.

The short slide she'd go down before joining me on the walk up the hill.

My crazy girl.  It warmed up a tiny bit in the afternoon so I let her take off her wetsuit.  
She didn't like the tight neck on it.

We'd packed brown bag lunches.  The water park is small enough that it's easy to walk out to the parking lot and eat, then head back inside for more playing.  William and I went out to the van to eat and headed over to the on site Little Caesar's (the only outside food allowed in the water park) to order pizza for the rest of the children.  When we got in there, we found the Bishop waiting for his order, 16 large pizzas.  He told us he was sure there'd be enough for the Dicksons.  Sure, enough, when everyone (including us) was done eating, there was lots of pizza left.

Isaac had a blast goofing off with the other teenagers.  

Elizabeth doesn't look very warm

William and his friend Nathan getting ready to go down the Black Hole.

Splashdown at the bottom of the Black Hole.

The wet suit wasn't the height of fashion but it kept me warm.  It was especially unflattering because the swim suit I wore underneath had a built in skirt, giving me a pretty big spare tire!

Our one splurge, a $3.50 slurpee we shared six ways.  When Miriam took a sip she said, "Delicious!"  I asked, "What flavor is it?"  Miriam, "I have no idea!"  It seemed crazy to order a slurpee on such a cold day but we were all thirsty with all the exercise of getting to the top of the slides!

One last photo before heading home.  The bigger children stayed with their friends most of the day.  I never even got a photo of Anastaya!  Birch Bay has a speed slide they don't open until noon.  Anastaya made sure she was the first girl down of the day.  Last year when we came, she went down three times so this time she HAD to go down four times.  That's a big sacrifice since it gives you a killer wedgie each time!  She noted that the adrenaline rush was really only there for the first time down.  It was a quiet van on the way home.  Isaac and Elizabeth rode home with friends so I just had Miriam, William, and Anastaya.  They all took naps while I drove home, typical of a day of playing.  I'm sure glad we got to tag a long with their event.  I hope we get invited again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of miram her legs spread like that just make me wish she had a hard cock in between there
