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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday May 7

Airport Appreciation Day 

While I was teaching at Women's Conference (another post), Dode took the kids to the Airport Appreciation Day Saturday morning.  The whole reason to go was to let the kids get a ride in an airplane with the Young Eagles program.  It would have been the first time for Isaac and Anastaya to go up in a plane.  When they got there, they all signed the waivers to get a space in line.  They were number 33 so while they waited for their turn, they did some of the activities that were offered. 

balsa wood gliders

helicopter tour

police car tour

sitting in an aircraft

checking out a fire truck

face painting

When they'd gotten to number 27, the skies opened up with hail, thunder and lightening and the remaining flights were cancelled.  The children were so disappointed!

A visit from the Super Mom Producer

When the producer called on Wednesday to tell me I came in 2nd place, she told me she wanted to come up on Saturday and bring me something.  The mystery of what she'd be bringing kept us all guessing.  Sharon couldn't wait to find out and even called Saturday afternoon before the producer came to see what she'd brought.  She brought up a bouquet from Ballard Blossoms and a gift certificate to a one hour massage.  I've never had a massage before so it'll be a new experience!  It was so nice of her to spend part of her Saturday driving up to our house!  It was a fun week of being an almost super mom.

Dode took me on a date Saturday night.  He'd planned to take me to the Space Needle Restaurant to use a gift certificate he won at the company Christmas party.  We hadn't realized in time that it was the evening before Mother's Day and when he called to make reservations they were filled up.  We ended up going to our favorite Mexican restaurant in town, Paraiso.  Since it was a Saturday night, they had a magician wandering around doing tricks for the patrons.  After dinner, we went to a movie (something that I don't think we've ever done on a date).  We felt very grown up going to see Rio.  The kids were so jealous when we got home!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are going to LOVE the massage! I think they are heaven. Enjoy!
