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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


When I think back on Easter as a little girl, I remember new Easter dresses with white gloves, an Easter hat, and tiny fancy purses. I'm sure there were Sunday school lessons about the crucifixion and the empty tomb, but for me, Easter was all about the new clothes. I always felt fresh and clean on Easter. Looking back as an adult, I am thankful for those Easter Sundays and the feelings I had in my new clothes. The atonement of our Savior truly does help us feel fresh and clean. It's something I felt as a child and understand as an adult. I am grateful that my mother helped me feel the spirit of Easter in a way that made sense to me as a child. Since those early days as a child, I've believed that Jesus Christ knew and loved me.
me, my brother Matthew, my dad

I'm in yellow, my best friend Stephanie Kay is beside me,
then her sister Leanne, then my brother Matthew

Easter 2011
We did our annual night egg hunt on Saturday night.  While Dode was delivering the Oak Harbor Dickson cousins to Mount Vernon to meet Randy, I got busy hiding the eggs.  It's kind of tough when you've lived somewhere six years to keep finding new clever spots.  I did find a crack in the tree house where the kids had a hard time finding the egg even when I told them it was right there!  I told the kids they could each find 25 eggs and then once everyone had their 25, they could find any remaining eggs.  Everyone got their minimum and then some.  I'm lazy so for the night hunt, I don't even put candy in the eggs.  Each egg they find is worth 25 cents.  We also didn't just find Easter eggs.  Anastaya found kittens in the stump under the tree house.  They are about a month old.  They were first found by the children when they were living in the room over the garage.  When the mom realized the humans had found her precious babies, she moved them.  Well, we're onto her new hiding spot so she'll probably move them again!

Easter Sunday we had dinner here.  Since the cousins were coming to join us for dinner, we re-hid the eggs, this time with candy inside.  We also hid one egg for each child with their initial on it.  Inside was a dollar bill.  Everyone wanted to hunt, even Jacob and his friend Mohonri.  (Apparently you're never too old to run around the yard looking for candy!)  Seth was our most unhappy participant.  He'd been looking out the window during dinner and had spied a blue egg in the grass that he really wanted.  Once we said it was time for hunting, Elizabeth picked up the egg before Seth got there.  Seth could NOT handle it.  He cried, screamed and refused to participate in the hunt.  William tried to give him some of his eggs but Seth picked them out of his basket and threw them on the ground.  By the time Seth was able to get himself under control, the hunt was over.  We hid a few eggs again so he could find them.

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