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Friday, November 19, 2010

15 years

November 17, 1995

wedding day lunch

our most important wedding guest

15 years ago, Dode and I were sealed in the Seattle Temple.  If feels both like yesterday and forever ago. 

What has changed in 15 years?
We've gone from 1 child to six.
We've lived in three homes, all in Arlington
(an apartment in town over the tanning salon, a farm house off Hwy 530, and our current house)
Dode's held three jobs (Summit Timber, Downing & Assoc., Tulalip Tribes)
We've gone through three Dodge Caravans
Dode has endured me being hospitalized for pregnancy complications (twice), an appendectomy and meningitis.
We've held numerous church callings
We've endured sorrow and have experienced joy

What hasn't changed in 15 years?
We both still fit in our wedding clothes, and even still wear them
We still have my Toyota Pick up, over 200,000 miles and counting
We still stay up way too late at night talking
We still consider that each of us got the better catch
We each still get that jumpy heart feeling when seeing the other unexpectedly
We wouldn't want to take this journey with anyone else


  1. Congratulations you two..I forgot how cute jacob you think he would smile like that for me now??...hard to believe it was 15years you Mom

  2. I FINALLY have a little time to sit down and catch up on reading everyone's blogs. Happy Anniversary to two very incredible people. Love having you in the family!
