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Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolutions 2012: Words to Live By

This year, instead of resolving to DO more, I'm resolving to BE more.  I have a few catch phrases that I'm attempting to use to guide my actions.

1.  If not me, then who?

It's so easy to get in the mindset when seeing needs around that "it's not my job..."  to fill the need.  I want to be the kind of person who doesn't need to be asked to do something.  I want to be the kind of person who jumps up to help someone else, who picks up the piece of litter in the parking lot, who lets someone else jump in front of me in line.   It's too easy (at least for me) to let "It's not my job" to turn into "but I'm the exception."  That's not the kind of person I want to be!

This one is hard for me.  Example, I see someone new at church.  "Surely someone else will introduce themselves, why would they want to meet me anyway," I tell myself.  I resolve to get outside my comfort zone and just do it!

2.  Let yes be your no.  

As a busy mom, the easiest answer is always "No!"  "No you can't go in the hot tube (I don't want to clean up after you)."  "No you can't go to a friend's house (I don't want to drive you there)."  "No, you can't have ice cream (I want you to eat dinner)."  (Who am I kidding?!  In my house the question "Can I have ice cream?" is always YES!)

I'm trying to make "Yes" my default answer.

I am reserving to give a "Yes, when.." answer.  "Yes you can go in the hot tub, if you'll help me clean up the water afterwards."  "Yes you can go to a friend's house if their parent will drive one way and you do a 10 minute chore for me."  "Yes you can have ice cream, tomorrow as a treat after dinner."

3.  Praise in public, criticize in private.

This is a two part goal.  The first part, praise.  It's so easy to speak up when things don't meet my expectations, to complain, grumble, rant.  I want to focus on positive, good things and speak up when I see them.  Whether it's something that happens in the retail industry, with other adults, or especially with my own children.

2nd part, criticism.  There's a time and a place for criticism.  Identifying a problem can help people and businesses grow.  It's the cowards' way to criticize in public, hoping others will back you up.  How much better, more gentle, is it to bring our concerns privately to someone.

I resolve to give lots of thank you to my kids in front of everyone else.  I also resolve that when correction needs to happen, I will call them to my side, put my arm around them, and quietly share my thoughts.

4.  You've got a lot of choices, choose wisely

We all have the same amount of time each day.  As a stay at home mom who home schools, I have an incredible amount of choices I can make about how to spend my days.  I want to remember that and not squander the time.  Some days it feels like we have hours to do what we want with, others days there are only minutes of unscheduled time.  I need to remember that both those days are the result of choices.

5.  Smile

Why is it that the default facial expression seems to be a frown?  I want mine to be a smile!  I want to smile often and everywhere.  Instead of looking away when I'm walking past someone, why not look them in the eye and smile?  I love catching the eye of one of my children and giving them a smile and thumbs up.  Can I smile more everywhere I go?  I've got a great life, married to a great guy, immersed with my children, living the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I've got a lot to smile about.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to call these MY words to live by too! They are great and you are really inspired. You are right, you do have a lot to smile about!
