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Monday, November 7, 2011

10/31- 11/6

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun night of trick or treating.  We started off the night with Seth and Ellie and their parents accompanying us.  Seth didn't make it far before he was complaining about being done.  Sheri was able to get him to make a complete loop back to the car but it was touch and go.  As usual, my kids were tired long before the mom was.  Don't they know there's more candy out there to be had?

Miriam is a cowgirl, wearing a vest I got at Yellowstone when I was 8 years old.
The Cheeto face was not part of the costume.

Sir William is a king

Elizabeth is an animal lover.
She made her own costume, sewing the vest smaller and gluing on the animals.

She had a hitchhiker on her back

Anastaya sewed her own costume as well.  Those stripes took her at least two hours to sew on.
She's piglet.

Me?  I was going for warm! 
We learned through Internet research that this is a PhD robe.

Toy Store 3 on ice
Dode is able to get discount tickets through work to Disney on Ice.  He took the girls down Friday night.  The girls had a great time.  The dad?  He went because he loves his girls!  There were three prizes awarded during the evening and we won one, $10 off a future ticket!

The dress Miriam is wearing came from the Halloween clearance section.  She felt very glamorous.

Celebrating 16 years
Dode and I were able to get away for the weekend thanks to the babysitting services of Sheri and Sharon.  We left Saturday morning, after taking our turn cleaning the church building.  Our plan was to take a scenic drive over three mountain passes. 

On our way to our loop in Enumclaw, we drove by this sign on the side of the road and had to get a photo. 

Do you know how many people mistake Dorrel's name for Darrel?  Here he is running for office!  (It's really one of his relatives.) 

We began by heading up Chinook Pass.  At the top, we did a 3.6 mile loop hike, enjoying the scenery of the high mountains. 

Mount Rainer played shy with us, peeking out for just a minute.

Winter has definitely arrived in the high country.

We were on the edge of two worlds.  We walked in the snow the whole way while just to the east of us, winter had not yet arrived.

I've waited 10 years to walk across this bridge.  I saw the trails up here the last time we came over Chinook Pass and I made a vow to myself that someday I would come walk in the glorious alpine landscape.  I just didn't know it would be under snow when I finally got to do it!

For most of the hike, I was overheated and only wore my sweater.  As we approached the car, we went into the shadow of a knob.  I didn't want to stop to put on my warm jacket and by the time we got back to the car, I was pretty cold.  Even driving 30 minutes with the heater and my coat on, I was still covered in goosebumps.  I guess I got that core body temperature down a bit. 

We stopped at Whistling Jacks' for pie.  Dode got apple and I got bumbleberry (rhubarb, cherry, apple, raspberry).  The pie hit the spot and gave me a boost at warming back up.  With the cost of pie, ice cream and tip bringing our treat to $20, I'm not sure it was that kind of good!

We stayed the night at Camp Zarahemla near White Pass.  You know you're not staying in a regular hotel when you get four phone calls before you ever make it to your destination, finalizing details and calling to find out when you're coming. 

Camp Zarahemla is a camp owned by our church.

Our cozy cabin.

In the morning, we headed up over White Pass.  We had the whole day ahead of us with no obligations so we hit every scenic pullout.

Half waterfall, half ice fall

The view down the valley back towards the lake we camped on.

Mount Rainer was out in her glory as we headed down White Pass.

We walked to the Grove of the Patriarchs.  We met another couple on the trail who said, "Aren't those trees something?!"  We politely said, "Yes" although we'd already discussed that they were big trees but weren't anything different for what we're used to encountering as we go hiking.  Then we learned that the couple was from Connecticut and trees as big as that were not the norm for them!

We'd had such a good time on the Naches Peak loop trail our first day that we decided to do it again.  Once again, Mount Raineer was cloaked in clouds.  Even though we couldn't see the mountain, we enjoyed oogling the snowy ridges all around us and the company couldn't be beat!  It was so great to have two full days of being together just the two of us, with just one phone call from the kids!

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