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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Elizabeth and Dad day 2010

Saturday was Elizabeth's special day with her dad.  They started off by going to the Bluebird Cafe in town where Elizabeth had chicken nuggets and fries for breakfast.  Dode stuck with the more traditional french toast plate. 

Then, they went fishing.  The fishing genes may run strong in Dode's family but they definately skipped him.  He hasn't owned a license as long as we've been married.   (And he doesn't feel like he's missing out on anything!)  But, Elizabeth has the love of fishing in her blood.  Her fishing adventures are limited to her time at Palmer Lake and in Winthrop where we camp each September.  Dode bought a license just so he could accompany his little girl.  When she realized where they were going, she looked over at her dad with a smile on her face and said, "I love you too dad."  They spent 4 hours on the lake and Elizabeth got two tugs on her line (the bottom of the lake and the propeller).  She was pretty disapointed but just being out there in the boat with her dad was a thrill. 

They ate a picnic lunch in Mount Vernon at the top of Little Mountain.  You can drive right to the top and there is a great view over the Skagit Valley and out to the Puget Sound.  She is a girl who loves beauty so this was right up her alley.
While at Little Mountain, they took a nature hike so she could take some photos.

Then, in the true spirit of what gives our sweet daughter happiness, they went to the store where she could pick out a card for her grandpa to leave at his school in Mount Vernon.  She spent a long time finding just the right card and was so excited to leave it for him.

Their last stop was a trip to the garden store to purchase a plant to remember her trip by.  Of all the pretty flowers and bushes, she chose a blueberry bush and can't wait to pick the tasty berries off it.  I wish there was a way I could speed up time for her.


  1. Elizabeth, you truly are a beautiful girl in every way. What an example you must be to everyone with your sweet spirit, big heart and genuine caring of so many wonderful things here on earth and the people in your life. I loved getting to share the day with you and your Dad on the blog. See you in June - be ready for a great big HUG from Grandma Sharon. I sure love you.

  2. You guys are the best parents. I never quit being thrilled with your family and your ambition!

  3. A blueberry bush is a great choice! Smart girl. You might check and see, but I think you need 2 blueberry bushes to pollenate properly and end up with all those yummy berries.

  4. Elizabeth you are truly a sweet young lady. Thank you so much for the card you send me when Missy passed away. It really meant a lot to me! So happy you got to spend time with just you and your dad!

  5. Beautiful views, relaxing on the lake, shopping for a bush, yep, that's my idea of a great day.
